Sunday, 11 September 2016

Overcoming Management's Perceived Disempowerment During Agile Transformations

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Since my career delivered me to the world of agile, I have mainly worked with organisations that were in the process of an agile transformation. This is a very different environment to any other. When an organisation makes any kind of large scale cultural change it is almost inevitable that it will face problems from almost everyone who wasn't involved (or felt they were involved) in the decision to transition. When we as a community talk about agile, we typically talk about the empowerment of this or that group. In this post I'm going to explore what empowering a team means from a middle management level, which in my experience is often the level where agile transformations can fail spectacularly.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Doing Agile, Being Agile

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Over the last few months I've heard many experienced agile practitioners talk about their thoughts and feelings around agile adoption in London, and the wider world. A common theme between them all has been that there is a difference between saying that one is 'doing' agile, and actually being agile. Nearly everyone I've spoken to who has an active interest in agile practices has stories about a team treating agile like they would PRINCE2 or any other project management strategy. I've heard of and seen teams follow scrum to the letter, and in doing so completely miss the point of it. Agile is a verb not a noun, and it is worth reflecting upon that whenever we attempt to do something in the name of agile.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016


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This is another post resulting from my recent review of the notes I made when taking my CSM course. I love a good mnemonic. There are plenty of words that I can only spell by remembering some strange sentence. I especially like it when a mnemonic relates to the data that one's trying to remember, and INVEST is certainly that.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Monday, 23 May 2016